Flat Feet

Flat Feet

Comprehensive Flat Feet Care in Fredericksburg, VA

Flat feet affect up to 30% of Americans, often leading to foot pain and mobility issues. At Spotsylvania Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates in Fredericksburg, Virginia, our expert podiatrists offer tailored solutions for flat feet, which may include custom orthotics or surgical correction. Contact our Spotsylvania office today or use the provided link to schedule an appointment and regain your mobility.

Quick Facts About Flat Feet

Flat feet can be present in infants and toddlers even without being a sign of injury or other illness.

People with flat feet often have shorter Achilles tendons than those without, which affects their ability to reach the height necessary for activities like running and jumping.

Flat feet are more common in women than men, and can worsen during pregnancy due to increased weight gain.

Flat Feet
Q & A

What are flat feet?

Flat feet mean that your foot arch is sometimes or always absent.

Flexible flatfoot

Flexible flatfoot means having clear foot arches when sitting or laying down. But, your arches flatten when you stand.

Rigid flatfoot

Rigid flatfoot means that you never have a foot arch.

Rigid flatfoot is the more serious of the two, but both kinds of flatfoot can cause uncomfortable symptoms.

What symptoms do flat feet cause?

Flat feet can cause symptoms like:

  • Pain in your inner foot
  • Inner ankle swelling
  • Pain that increases with physical activity
  • Difficulty standing for long periods
  • Difficulty walking long distances

Flat feet can lead to abnormal stress on the joints of your feet and toes, which increases the risk of developing bunions, hammertoe, and other foot deformities. If you have a preexisting condition like arthritis or diabetes, you can experience severe flatfoot symptoms.

What causes flat feet?

Many different things can cause flat feet, including:

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD)

The posterior tibial tendon, which supports your foot arches, can become irritated or tear, causing PTTD. You have an increased risk of developing PTTD if you’re female, over 40, play high-impact sports, or have a chronic condition like diabetes.

Inflammatory arthritis

Inflammatory arthritis, which includes conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, causes joint problems and ligament damage. When inflammatory arthritis shows up in your rear and midfoot, it erodes your foot’s support system and can eventually cause flat feet.


Any trauma to the middle or rear part of the foot can lead to flatfoot. Ligament tears, fractures, and dislocations are the most common injuries leading to flatfoot.

Foot deformities

Foot deformities like bunions and hammertoe cause changes in your foot’s structure, which can then cause flatfoot.

Charcot foot

Charcot foot, a condition in people with diabetes, causes the foot bones and tissues to weaken and fracture. The foot arch can completely collapse, leading to flat feet. Without treatment, Charcot foot can get worse until your foot arches bow outward, creating a rocker-bottom appearance.

In some cases, the root cause of flat feet isn’t clear. But regardless of the reason, if flat feet cause pain or other problems, Richmond Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates can help.

How is flatfoot treated?

Flat feet symptoms generally improve with targeted treatment of the underlying problems. Custom orthotics, bracing, and changing your shoes can all ease your symptoms. If you have severe symptoms or structural foot problems, you could need surgery.

Richmond Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates can help you conquer flat feet and return to the activities you love. Call the office now or book an appointment through online scheduling.